10 Power That Only Owned Girls

Photo: 10 Power That Only Owned Girls
Goo To Girl -
1. Have A Wide Area In Fashion
It must be admitted if the world of fashion was very creamy with the world of girls because we are free to wear any. Clothes, bags of shoes for girls can be made in a variety of models and colors. Even more great again, we could be wearing guys and still look cool and feminine.

2. Can Beautify Yourself With Makeup
In addition to the world of fashion, we also the ruler of make-up. So lucky girl, because we can wear makeup to beautify them. If the lips are pale, we could cover it with lipstick. We can also decorate the eyes with eyeshadow and eyeliner.

3. Have Plenty Of Accessories
Can we have necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and rings are beautiful to decorate our bodies? We also can wear flip-flops, bandanas, and to beautify the hair.

4. Collection Of Funny Objects
Chick deemed reasonable only collect beautiful objects as well as cute as dolls, key chains, stationery, and so on. We can show off our collections to others or admire the cute things in the store without the worry of considered weird are the same people.

5. Free Cry Till You Drop
During this time there was an unwritten rule if only girls who have the right freely to cry in public. Even when there is a girl who was crying, people not mocking but instead entertain and sympathetic. There are many people who offer to us.

6. Regular And Thorough
Because taught to girls since childhood, smartly attuned to life regularly. We put the goods accordingly. That's why we like to provide a special place for each item, such as a place for accessories, trinkets or makeup so easily set it up. Girls are also known to be very thorough.

7. No Shame For Help
While being get lost or heavy weight lifting, the girl doesn't hesitate to ask someone for help. Because we are aware of and not ashamed of admitting inability. While the guy is sometimes hard to ask for help because it thwarted by prestige or ego as a guy.

8. Always Take Precedence
Who said girls always position behind the guy. The proof of any statute that says girls that always take precedence. Especially in case of danger. For example, when the shipwreck or the earthquake, the first donning saved than a guy.

9. Loving Sweetheart
Because it is destined to become a mother, the girl had the instinct to be gentle and loving. Any style Secuek a girl, she'll melt if see a cute baby or puppy. Girls also have empathy. So rather not willingly if his friends see are sad or distress. Certainly, direct like to entertain.

10. Reliable Communicate

Many researchers say if the chick is being verbal. Girls can pull out 30,000 words per day. While the guys just 10,000 only. Not surprisingly most of us love to gossip. But, it is what makes us a reliable partner in terms of communicating. We so easily express feelings through words and could explain something it smoothly.

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